Wednesday, December 19, 2007

South Carolina

We have an author from South Carolina, and her Southern accent is so think and buttery that even me, a practically-Southern Midwesterner, has trouble understanding her and her colloquialisms. Though I still do tend to drop into a Southern drawl when talking to her. It's completely unintentional but I feel like I'm putting it on - not mockingly but not seriously, either, somehow.

Anyway, she calls often, multiple times daily, with little bitty questions. And, apparently she calls on her lunch breaks. We were in the middle of a conversation when she suddenly said, "Honey, let me put you on hold." and in the next breath, "I need two number twos, no pickles on number one number two, extra mayo on the second number two, a large sweet tea and a Coke. And two apple pies." I could even hear the "Please pull around."

Moral: Just saying you're putting someone on hold doesn't put them on hold.

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